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Thread: Acquistion plans

  1. #11
    B and C. Though at the rate that I am going, I might end up with E....

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  2. #12
    Random guy vinylgreek's Avatar
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    Central Texas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by KennethRSloan View Post
    Do you:

    a) display what you collect?
    b) wear what you collect?
    c) collect what you wear?
    d) flip and move sideways?
    e) flip and move up?
    f) The Princeton Band
    I would wear what some others are collecting but that might be construed as stealing. Displaying it would just make the authorities' job so much easier.

  3. #13
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    Turks and Caicos Islands
    B. I just buy watches to wear, I don't display them just keep the ones I am not wearing in the safe.
    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  4. #14
    The difference between B and C is motivation. Which is primary - the collection, or your taste in what you want to wear. And then, if you acquire watches for some other you wear them anyway? For some, there may be no difference - but for others the difference is fundamental. It's related to the recent question: would you ever purchase a watch that you would never actually wear? If you would - why? (and then...having bought it..why NOT wear it?

    I wear everything I acquire (once serviced - or restored). I'm currently considering acquiring a watch that I probably SHOULD NOT wear (think "unique, new in box, last such example in existence" - loses 75% of it's "value" from the first scratch or other blemish). I *really* want that watch - but I know if will really grate on me to have it on display, untouched by human hands, unserviced, and unused. On the other hand, this particular watch probably deserves to be preserved in pristine "never worn" condition.
    La lutte elle-même vers les sommets suffit à remplir un cœur d'homme; il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux.

  5. #15
    A. Yes, but only for myself.
    B. Yes.
    C. Yes.
    D. No.
    E. Never yet.
    F. Absolutely not.

    Rick "asked and answered" Denney
    More than 500 characters worth of watches.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by hayday View Post
    I can't figure out the difference between B and C. Lemme put it this way: I wear my watches, though some get worn more than others.

    One means you buy watches that you want to own, and then wear them

    The other means you decide what you want to wear and then buy them

  7. #17
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    A, B; C not so much as I have watches that I don't wear; E I did recently.
    Follow IWL on instagram!

  8. #18
    Member wschofield3's Avatar
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    Boston, MA
    B and E for me.

  9. #19
    Mainly B,though there are some watches in my collection that I rarely wear

  10. #20
    Big Member Chase's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    A, b, c, d and e

    Now I've got that whole tune in my head, thanks!

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