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Thread: "Out for delivery"

  1. #31
    Another Member crownpuller's Avatar
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    Some people have opinions - The rest of us have taste.

  2. #32
    Currently waiting for something (non-watch but still a month in the coming) and the chosen courier has a new way of telling you about tracking progress:

    You've all seen the "The delivery will happen between 10:14am and 11:14am" etc , not sure why they don't round it up but still , it's useful

    Well this courier goes one step further - you can actually track the location of the driver on a map!! , I know his name and know precisely where he is and when he's landing:

    Eric is currently making delivery number 9, you are delivery number 28.

    Eric is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes away from you.

    You can watch Eric's progress on our map.


    Your location

    I'm obvously not showing you the damn map

    I personally wouldn't want my work life to be so closely tracked but I suppose it comes with the territory
    Last edited by Seriously; Mar 2, 2015 at 09:34 AM.

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  4. #33
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    Eric says if you can't put your dressing-gown on and answer the door in three seconds, he's not hanging about.

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  6. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by tribe125 View Post
    Eric says if you can't put your dressing-gown on and answer the door in three seconds, he's not hanging about.

    I was at work and fully dressed I'll have you know

    Eric, it turned out, was late , at the end of delivery window tracking suddenly showed my parcel had been delivered ?!?

    I thought someone or something was conspiring against me to prevent me receiving this parcel.........

    I went to my door to contemplate life the universe, and everything......... and wonder where my parcel could have been dropped....then suddenly an Interlink van arrived and parked up.

    His tracking/scanning machine had packed in , wouldn't reboot, so he'd had to ring in to get the office to email his drop list to one of his customers who kindly printed it out for him.

    So much for big brother monitoring , it'd failed miserably ....

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