Quote Originally Posted by tribe125 View Post
They’re all French now, aren’t they?

I don’t really know how much Naim has changed, but the populist view amongst British hi-fi buffs is that it is not what it was. But then it was once decidedly cranky and may not have been fit for the 21st century in that form. I wouldn’t want to wade carelessly into a world you know so well, but there are certainly some parallels between luxury hi-fi brands and luxury watch brands.

I still have a Naim Nait 5i in our junk room. I got tired of the ‘thump’ on start-up, and the ground loop hum with unearthed components. And I’m pretty sure my Marantz (PM 8006) is more capable…

The Forcione CD has probably been played a zillion times in Naim demonstrations. Or in the UK anyway, where he lives and is quite well-known. A nice man too - with a fine sense of humour at gigs.

And now I’m listening to this -

Attachment 132131

I’m listening critically at the moment, because I fancy treating myself to some new speakers - maybe Dynaudio Evoke 30. Trouble is, my 20-year-old PMC GB1s are sounding quite good.
My Naim folks are US based, I know a couple of the old guard in the UK. They are "paired" with Focal now, a French company.

Regarding your speakers, IMO, don't change what isn't broke, although, Dynaudio does a good job. I'm sitting right now at breakfast with the US Dynaudio guys.