ok this might have a few spoilers sooo

ok like most of the games of this era it has some decent flaws to it but then not as bad as (dead island one of my all time favs even though before patching you could not complete a game with out a fatal crash at some point - after patch lot better but tweak things I wish they did not as it made the game play harder on certain point as design to do things in game the patch stop you doing in away or made it harder (kicking) so hmmm )

a bit of floating bodys , car headlight showing through solid objects ..re-use of location can mess up game play a little if both mission are in play cut scenes leading to missing characters. come to mind but the pros way out weigh them.

now ok bit of a long intro but once game play is in motion it continuous even up to no load up of diff locations some game when going from one map to next you have to wait for the loading of it this one been design to be one large map so when swapping you would not know except for a slight pause .

the concept works well he does side jobs for info/funds for searching ... you have to sleep from time to time and only at certain places(bases/car/heilo/hotel)

also like the work out..... the more you carry /walk increase what weight you can carry start out at like 32kg last run through I was on 109kg I think ..(some times would take the spare wheel and carry them in my pack so when you want to pick something up you could drop them and still be in the same weigh ( it also helped to increase you carry limit too )

mission are interesting and can be done how you want quietly or loud (but that effects you geopolitical mapping levels ) some are auto enemy what ever you do (that don't make sense in some ways when other can play out differently )

the ending lets it down in some ways the game play can be quick complete or as slow as you like you can change sides if you want on each play through so a game you could keep playing once you completed (I start again straight away as had better understanding of do's and don'ts )

weapon wish you could luck out on something special on search bodys but you don't you do get some cool stuff though (like the fact weapon had different wear rate so when looking worth keeping the 0 wear weapons . oh and the bullhorn good (once you know what it's for )

down side selling the weapons the money seem low wish more realistic but guess done to make you do some of the mission to pay for the info you need.

like the fact you have to learn how to handle the vehicle in game car you can do right off (boats/plane/tanks/helicopter you have to find manuals and pay 500 buck for a test.) so yeah got a lot going for it their are patches to correct certain things ..playing pre-patch just my way ....

annoying things I think their was more to the game then ended up in the game .. like that you can't jack certain vehicles ... their a tank ( he says something about coming back to give it a go I went back but could not use it ...) the two fancy cars at the dons place says needs keys but search the place three times over can't find any keys there

like the fact it even teaches you about alcoholism and drugs

so yes still a solid game with very good points so deffo at least 8/10 still flaws and all .