Quote Originally Posted by ljb187 View Post
where do your media interests lie in 2024?

Nowhere really! For the most part, my TV is a dark rectangle in the corner of the room The only time it has been switched on in recent weeks is to watch Euro 24, the four-yearly football competition.

I don’t have cable, satellite or subscription services, and generally only watch things that are on the BBC (because I don’t like adverts). I don’t go to the cinema. Consequently, most of the things that are mentioned in this thread are unknown to me. To pick up on one of your own references, I’ve heard of Austin Powers, but never seen it. I’ve never seen a Star Wars film or a modern James Bond film - other than ten minutes here and there that I’ve seen by accident. I don’t like action films. Most of the music I listen to is between 50 and 500 years old.

I will have missed a lot, but I’m quite old, and I don’t mind. There are popular TV things that I’ve eagerly consumed, like scandi-noir detective series, and Montalbano, an Italian detective series - but they’re not exactly recent. There have been other odd things, like Sherlock and Stephen Poliakoff dramas. Most recently, I enjoyed This Town, a BBC six-parter set in 1970s Birmingham, but that might not have much international appeal.

When you’re pushing 70, you’re not overly interested in being on-trend.