Quote Originally Posted by Samanator View Post

Interesting morning today. About 5:20 this morning I was out with one of the dogs and in the general vicinity of the Kennedy space center there was a light up in the sky. We are about 45 miles away from there so I don’t know if it was coming from that, but it wasn’t the moon or anything else and the rest of the sky was clear and this was reflecting off a cloud. I didn’t have my phone with me, but my wife captured it and it was kind of very.. I’m out here almost every morning regardless of what’s going on and I’ve never seen anything like that. It was kind of like Independence Day the movie when the aliens came to visit.. very weird. This is about an hour later with the Ploprof at sunrise. I have to look and see if I can find something that explains what I saw this morning like maybe an early morning lunch. About 90° to the left of the sunrise picture there’s a bombing range so that couldn’t be where it was. This was pretty much in the direction of the space center..
Here are the pictures of the light. It was constant so it wasn’t lightning.

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I think it was a Starlink Falcon 9 launch, scheduled for 4:55 AM this morning:

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 8-9 Moved to: 07/03/2024A batch of satellites for the Starlink mega-constellation – SpaceX’s project for space-based Internet communication system.