Quote Originally Posted by hayday View Post
Pretty cool how you ended up with watches that are different yet complementary. I imagine you have a very happy wrist.
My wrist is extremely happy. 😁 I enjoy wearing all of them, even the older ones. They all get QT...

Quote Originally Posted by Samanator View Post
I think the 356 is my favorite because the dial has a brownish tone in the photo. For me personally a Sinn collection needs a U1and an 856S.
The 356 can be brownish or greenish depending on lighting. It's definitely a really well done dial. Agreed on the 856S -- that's definitely a one watch option as well (legible, high WR, anti-magnetic, drilled lugs for lots of strap options, two time zones, perfect size). Mine has been rock solid for closing in on two decades now.

As for the U1, it's iconic, but that handset is not for me. 😁

Quote Originally Posted by GaryF View Post
I wish I could be as disciplined. I have the 38mm version of that AT but that's where the similarity between your focused collection and my rambling, Smaugesque one ends.
Nothing wrong with a Smaugesque collection -- that could be a goal, even.