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Thread: WRUW Saturday 23rd December

  1. #1

    WRUW Saturday 23rd. December

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  2. #2
    Hangaround member Fantasio's Avatar
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    WRUW Saturday 23rd December

    Waiting at the gate for an early morning flight with daughter. On our way for family reunion for Christmas. Not my usual travel watch, but felt that now something dressier is needed.

    Guess which plane we took.

    Cheers, M

  3. #3
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    Name:  20231223_122135.jpg
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    Follow IWL on instagram!

  4. #4
    G-Shock & Digital Moderator Kronos's Avatar
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  5. Likes Fantasio, pacifico66 liked this post
  6. #5
    deadhead hayday's Avatar
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    WRUW Saturday 23rd December

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    Pics from Botanical Gardens at Boothbay Gardens Aglow.

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    It wouldn’t be Maine without a moose.

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    This car was in the lot, meaning someone did this to their car.

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    Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

  7. #6
    Member pacifico66's Avatar
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    Wolf Rock Beater today

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  8. #7
    Licorice eater Strange's Avatar
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    Tiger to tiger.

    Name:  0C5E7AC9-CDAB-406C-A178-D9A9C057EC96.jpg
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    Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

  9. #8
    Going to a nice restaurant tonight, so Hulk for me.

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  10. #9
    Went downtown with my wife yesterday/last night, everything is decorated and looking great.

    This morning swap to the Farer before work.

    And, suited up after work heading to meet friends to train myself.

    The new 1 piece riding suit has been really warm, only mid-30s this morning and it was comfortable without electric gear under it.

  11. #10
    Porous Membrane skywatch's Avatar
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    We'll have some friends over for dinner tonight. It's his birthday so I'll cook something special, and we will probably drink a bit too much very nice wine, because he was in the wine trade for years. I'm still cycling through watches with a rehab story. This Sinn 556a came from a seller on the forums who hadn't treated it very well. It had scratches and dings, and the AR coating on the outside of the crystal was badly worn. It came with a bracelet, which I cleaned up rather well and sold it to another collector (because I don't wear bracelets), and that sale covered 30% of my costs. The watch gave me a chance to practice with cleanup techniques: very fine grade carborundum sandpaper for the scratches (starting with 600 grit and moving up to 2000, finishing with Cape Cod Cloth), Brasso and Polywatch to remove the remaining AR coating. I was really proud of my work on this, and it's among my favorites.

    Name:  Sinn556Wr23.JPG
Views: 73
Size:  342.2 KB
    Last edited by skywatch; Dec 23, 2023 at 04:52 PM.
    Too many watches, not enough wrists.

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