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Thread: **** 80'S to you ****

  1. #1
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits

    **** 80'S to you ****

    Well I was reading a thread about the 80's watches and it meandered on to all things 1980's and I thought what do I think when you say 1980's to me and so thought it would be cool to do a thread too see what it mean to members so thought I would make it visual so a few pics of what it means to you here's mine

    flashdance don't think this one needs explaining haha

    E.T.. well it just had to be in there

    well just got to be really

    well who did not like it when a plan came together

    well had to be watch one as it's a watch forum

    your turn
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  2. Likes Bwana, popoki nui liked this post
  3. #2
    Dinger of Hum Chronopolitano's Avatar
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    Can't think of a damn thing! Just can't remember.

  4. #3
    Argos catalogues

  5. #4
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronopolitano View Post
    Can't think of a damn thing! Just can't remember.
    haha me to

    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  6. Likes Der Amf liked this post
  7. #5
    Random guy vinylgreek's Avatar
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    Miami-Vice-Cast-Photo by vinylgreek, on Flickr
    banshees by vinylgreek, on Flickr
    smcover by vinylgreek, on Flickr
    The+Cure++85 by vinylgreek, on Flickr
    Last edited by vinylgreek; Jan 11, 2015 at 06:20 PM. Reason: all shamelessly lifted from the inter webs

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  9. #6
    Member pepperami's Avatar
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    Early notebook

    And the phones

    Sent from my GT-I9505

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  11. #7
    Dinger of Hum Chronopolitano's Avatar
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    So then, except for Souxie, all of it really was quite horrible.... just as I recall but would have liked to remain oblivious.

  12. #8
    Random guy vinylgreek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronopolitano View Post
    So then, except for Souxie, all of it really was quite horrible.... just as I recall but would have liked to remain oblivious.
    Are you kidding? I once met Don Johnson's hair and let me tell you it was a truly memorable experience. It changed my life fur shure.

  13. #9
    I find that all decades, once treated as a single, self-contained unit, look pretty loathsome. In the eighties it was nice that things you bought worked and that clothes no longer had to be brown and that there weren't regular power cuts.

    Plus there was this:

    Oh and Depeche Mode

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  15. #10
    Another Member crownpuller's Avatar
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    Yes ^^^^^ That/Them + a whole load more bands of a similar ilk. In a word - Synthesizers
    I have a bunch of them collecting dust in my attic, along with the rest of my 'home studio' as was.

    Then, of course, there was a certain lady Prime Minister.
    Some people have opinions - The rest of us have taste.

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