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Thread: Indecisive Watch Buyers Thread: Disney Edition

  1. #1
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    Indecisive Watch Buyers Thread: Disney Edition

    Two Citizen Eco Drives.

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    I’m leaning toward the Captain Marvel. It actually reminds me of a Zenith Baby Doll a little bit.

    But then Mickey watches are classics and I’ve never had one.

    I’m usually a mechanical girl but eco drives have their own appeal.

    Price point not significantly different so no help there. The Marvel is $30 USD cheaper.

    It’s been probably four years since I’ve bought a new watch so I’m sticking my toe back in to test the water with something fun and whimsical.

    The adventures of Bob the Traveling Watch

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  2. #2
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    It occurs to me that a SOTC shot might help show how the new acquisition would fit in. The Seiko is my daily, but all get semi regular wrist time except the gold and diamond Rolex Orchid. I already have an eco drive—the Sunrise with MOP dial and floating diamonds.

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    The adventures of Bob the Traveling Watch

    . . . . . . . . . .

  3. #3
    First WIS Rule... When in doubt -- get BOTH...

    both are lovely Jeannie, but i give a slight edge to the Mickey since it would look great on leather strap...
    I'm on instagram: @iyonk_strap

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  5. #4
    Nice to see your SOTC. The Captain Marvel is nice enough, but the Mickey watch makes me smile every time I look at it. And you wouldn’t need to keep it on mesh...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #5
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    Mickey by a mile - bold, distinctive and fun.

    At first glance, I didn’t realise that the Captain Marvel was ‘anything’. It was just a Citizen with something going on at 9pm.

  7. #6
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    I'd go with the Captain Marvel. It's far more subtle than the Mickey watch, and if I'm honest, I've never really liked Mickey. I once wrote a Disney-based short story for a podcast where I cast Mickey's character as a murderous mob boss in 1940s Hollywood. I'm a Donald Duck guy.
    Read my latest IWL blog entry! An Ode To Rule Breaking

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    The Mickey looks really, really cool, hope that's the one you decide on, either way nice dials

  9. #8
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits
    Quote Originally Posted by Raza View Post
    I'd go with the Captain Marvel. It's far more subtle than the Mickey watch, and if I'm honest, I've never really liked Mickey. I once wrote a Disney-based short story for a podcast where I cast Mickey's character as a murderous mob boss in 1940s Hollywood. I'm a Donald Duck guy.
    well their was a cartoon done for real like that but it got banned their was like a hundred or so that got banned some bugs as well and popeye and that Boop-Oop-a-Doop girl whats here name betty boo was it and some steam boat willy ones too very none pc now think they was all 1920's to 1940's one's, some was very close to the edge with yo sammity sam and bugs and the Mason–Dixon line stuff
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  10. #9
    wind-up merchant OhDark30's Avatar
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    You know what you need to do

    Good to see you around, Jeannie!
    It's the final countdown! PM me before they're all gone!

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  12. #10
    Member Perseus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raza View Post
    I'd go with the Captain Marvel. It's far more subtle than the Mickey watch, and if I'm honest, I've never really liked Mickey. I once wrote a Disney-based short story for a podcast where I cast Mickey's character as a murderous mob boss in 1940s Hollywood. I'm a Donald Duck guy.
    My thoughts exactly. My oldest liked Mickey Mouse Club House and it only intensified my feelings. I raised my second son better as he skipped the kiddie shows and jumped right into Marvel and DC cartoons.

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