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Thread: WIS - An insatiable pass time?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by pepperami View Post
    Will you ever say 'ok, I have all the watches I'll ever need' ?

    Sent from my GT-I9505
    I have all the watches I'll ever need, but I'll never have all the watches I'll ever want

  2. #22
    I could probably stop right now if it wasn't for these forums and such good pics of all these watches I don't own

  3. #23
    People sleep peaceably in their beds @ night ONLY because rough men stand ready to do VIOLENCE
    on their behalf.....



  4. Likes is that my watch, synequano liked this post
  5. #24
    I had my 40th birthday a few months back and got 4 new watches... Ever since then I have felt a dip in my watchiness... Like I peaked or something

  6. Likes Mediocre liked this post
  7. #25
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    West Sussex, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by -JP View Post
    I could probably stop right now if it wasn't for these forums and such good pics of all these watches I don't own
    Likewise, though I don't even but that much - just think about doing so all the time - it's exhausting. I tell myself that I'd stop if I had x and y but I doubt it.
    Follow IWL on instagram!

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