Read my latest IWL blog entry! An Ode To Rule Breaking
Of course not, and I never said anything like that. I just disagree that when someone cheats to help his team win, then gets paraded around like a conquering hero, the fact that he got a red card somehow absolves the cheating. Back to my original point, anyone who stood by Suarez through diving, racism, biting, handballs (don't forget the one in the FA Cup) should have zero issues with supporting Costa, who hasn't come anywhere close to that sort of dirty play.
Read my latest IWL blog entry! An Ode To Rule Breaking
I don't have any issue with the handball to save a goal in an elimination world cup game. I would do the same.
The biting is indefensible in my mind
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Read my latest IWL blog entry! An Ode To Rule Breaking
Lucas Leiva was officially released by LFC yesterday. End of an era. I'll miss him.
Read my latest IWL blog entry! An Ode To Rule Breaking