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Thread: Shorokoff watches

  1. #1

    Shorokoff watches

    Anyone got one ?

    I was sorely tempted last year cos the movement work is GORgeous , still not that sure on some of the dials etc ....but the movements .... mmmmmmmm

    Here are a couple of examples of what I'm talking about:

    Name:  2612AS.jpg
Views: 128
Size:  73.0 KB

    Name:  3105back.jpg
Views: 183
Size:  149.9 KB

  2. Likes DJW GB, DM71 liked this post
  3. #2
    Are they Russian built? I thought they were made in Germany? Or am I confused?

  4. #3
    He's a russian, building watches with russian insides, in germany.

  5. #4
    The Dude Abides Nokie's Avatar
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  7. #5
    He has some really cool stuff, I have my eye on one. Some of the "prettier" ones are not terribly affordable, but certainly nice.

    But one of the Regulators is what I want, just kind of neat looking. The 60 on top is cool (in a Raketa Big Zero sorta way I guess).

  8. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TokyoLunch View Post
    But one of the Regulators is what I want, just kind of neat looking. The 60 on top is cool (in a Raketa Big Zero sorta way I guess).
    Is precisely what drew me to the brand , you will struggle to find one now though. I just love what he did to that 3105 movement.
    I struggled to justify the price and couldn't negotiate my right price with the retailer, so it didn't come my way.

  9. #7
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits
    Quote Originally Posted by Nokie View Post
    I saw this one I still on the fence about them not sure
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  10. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    Is precisely what drew me to the brand , you will struggle to find one now though. I just love what he did to that 3105 movement.
    I struggled to justify the price and couldn't negotiate my right price with the retailer, so it didn't come my way.

    I've seen them around in Singapore shops.... if that helps....

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  12. #9
    Not a Zombie drickster's Avatar
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    We have a shop here in MD, USA that carries them. I am a fan and they seem a good value at their price point- very high quality in the steel. I just don't know that I'd every wear that style....but I do like them very much.

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