Saw this and thought it was quite cool had thoughts of buying it and turning it in to a wall clock or table top clock but thinking about it that would not be an easy thing, as to set the time is on a cord attach to the clock if that comes off then maybe it would work easier and you would attach to set it and remove it .. lets for fun see how we would go about it ..
Things to over come :
powered by the car battery To change the time / set time is on a cord Mounting clock Any thing else ? ok mounting would be easy as just need to shape a panel for it and screw the clock in to it with the brackets on the sides ...power could possible use a 12 vol so how to secure in place with safety and less bulk would be the thing to think on ? .
changing the time could be simple it the cord can be removed and inserted easily then you would just plug it in and pull out once done .
If not then hmmm would need to secure it to the mount in away of easy access yet cosmetically appealing on thought this might be a better choice anyway maybe. router a channel in the mount so it sits at the top or side just the top bit showing like in the pic (maybe even drill straight through the mount and sit it underneath like in the pic .. then a board on the back to make it look clean and nice from the back ...
these are just thoughts ..what would you do ...
As always Ismy