not so much in to the know with PW and do not have a very good track record with fixing them love the Russian 3603 as it a workhorse and can be put into most mods with a parnis case dial .. or even in to some old converted PW cases too and is easy to maintain and repair ..

some of the other movements seem a lot more complicated the more you go backward in time got about five in different states of repair from a smiths needing a new crystal ... to a ellisons I think it was pin and barrel if I remember right(missing hands ) I like PW but they just would not get worn with me and have not got space to collect them for the sake of collecting them ... I some times see some great ones going way to cheap but they are out of favour for a lot of people now ...

so I can sort of see the point in saving the movement and recasing ones that have been ripped out there cases for the silver/gold cases to be smelted ...

as the bigger size is in now anyway so think there are movements that should be keep