Quote Originally Posted by popoki nui View Post
My sleep is crap. Crazy schedule, among other things, so I'm frequently up in the wee hours. Sometimes I'll tinker with watches, but rarely will I tackle anything tricky. Lots of websurfing for watches, but I haven't made any wee-hour purchases yet. After a number of beers one evening, I did purchase a Mondaine, though.
I also sleep like utter shit. Haven't had a good night's sleep in 16 years, it feels like. Some are better than others, but for the most part, they're at best below average.

I've never made a late night purchase--not sober, anyway. Oh wait, that's not true. I bought my Alpha after my brother kept me up until 6AM after he came back from drinking with a bunch of his coworkers--and they came back with him. You have no idea how upset I was at him the next day, as weekends are 8-10 hour work days for me since coming back to school, and it's difficult to do that on an hour and a half of sleep (the sun came up in the 7 o'clock hour, and I wasn't in a deep enough sleep to sleep through it). That was a 5 Red Bull day.

For the most part, I just play with the backlight of my Suunto, which I keep on my bedside table.