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Thread: Members Mugshot Gallery

  1. #81
    From my cats' point of view:
    Name:  107_red_600x600.jpg
Views: 524
Size:  25.0 KB

    According to my Commodore 64:
    Name:  C64 me.jpg
Views: 395
Size:  65.8 KB

    ...and what I really look like:
    Name:  Cat hammock 1.jpg
Views: 395
Size:  5.5 KB

    ...but occasionally this:
    Name:  lake watch3 copy.jpg
Views: 389
Size:  96.4 KB

    Eterna | Tudor | Seiko | Casio | G-Shock | Orient | Swatch | Mondaine | Zodiac (pre-Fossil) | Rolex | Wenger | Pulsar Time Computer | Omega | Timex | Bucherer | Citizen | Bulova | Glycine

  2. #82
    Moderator gnuyork's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    Marietta, GA
    Sherry, do you still have your Commadore 64? I had a Vic 20 when I was a kid. Used to play Radar Rat Race Haha.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by gnuyork View Post
    Sherry, do you still have your Commadore 64? I had a Vic 20 when I was a kid. Used to play Radar Rat Race Haha.
    I do! I started out with a VIC-20, too. Gave that to a friend, and bought a C64 (breadbox style). I kept that for several years then sold it, and pretty much immediately regretted that. So I got a C64C to replace it. I still have it, and still use it:
    Name:  C64 copy.jpg
Views: 420
Size:  88.5 KB
    I use an LCD monitor these days. Sky Travel was my very first desktop planetarium program, back when I first got into astronomy. How far we've come!

    Last edited by popoki nui; Dec 5, 2014 at 01:05 AM.
    Eterna | Tudor | Seiko | Casio | G-Shock | Orient | Swatch | Mondaine | Zodiac (pre-Fossil) | Rolex | Wenger | Pulsar Time Computer | Omega | Timex | Bucherer | Citizen | Bulova | Glycine

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  5. #84
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolaberlim View Post
    Crikey! I feel girly now!
    Me too! That would take me a year to grow.
    Follow IWL on instagram!

  6. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by geoffbot View Post
    Me too! That would take me a year to grow.
    As I wrote to bolaberlim, it's not really that great a thing. Having to shave a second time in a day if one is going out in the evening is a bore.

  7. #86
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    West Sussex, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Krinkle View Post
    As I wrote to bolaberlim, it's not really that great a thing. Having to shave a second time in a day if one is going out in the evening is a bore.
    Actually yes that would be a pain.
    Follow IWL on instagram!

  8. #87
    Casual iPhonographer engr.pol's Avatar
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    Nov 2014

    Members Mugshot Gallery

    500+ members (and counting) and only a handful of pics?! Let me add mine and the missus..

    Barcelona, Winter of 2010..

  9. #88
    Member rfortson's Avatar
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    Houston (Clearlake) TX
    Quote Originally Posted by popoki nui View Post
    I do! I started out with a VIC-20, too. Gave that to a friend, and bought a C64 (breadbox style). I kept that for several years then sold it, and pretty much immediately regretted that. So I got a C64C to replace it. I still have it, and still use it:
    Name:  C64 copy.jpg
Views: 420
Size:  88.5 KB
    I use an LCD monitor these days. Sky Travel was my very first desktop planetarium program, back when I first got into astronomy. How far we've come!

    I started with the Timex-Sinclair 1000 but wanted a real computer with a disk drive, so I bought the Commodore 64. Traded in a Pong machine to get $200 off the $500 price. Wish I still had that Pong machine. The Commodore was the bomb! I later got an SX-64, which was a "portable" C-64 with a built-in 5" color CRT. I built up a lot of muscles carrying that thing around.

    Have you read "On The Edge" by Brian Bagnall? It's a great telling of the Commodore story from the early PET days until the end. Recommended, if you can find it.

    Anyway, back on topic, here's a recent photo of me.

    Name:  15784025196_4bb9d7f5a7_z.jpg
Views: 356
Size:  55.4 KB

  10. #89
    Loving this thread
    Here's the most recent pic of me, taken at work. I was supposed to be looking professional as it's being used in a presentation but it didn't really work

  11. #90
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    Kent - UK

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