Aug 16, 2015, 05:02 PM
From a BBC online update:
John Terry is not a happy man. He watches on from the bench with a grave look on his face. In case you missed it, he was withdrawn at half-time, for the first time under Jose Mourinho.
Chelsea have three more minutes of added time to endure.
I'm no great fan of either team, but the Premiership got more interesting today.
Aug 16, 2015, 05:07 PM
Any day that Moaninho loses is a good day for football
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Aug 16, 2015, 05:11 PM
that was just class !! we made them look average -just brilliant -could have been easy five or six - yes Terry is not a happy man , never happened to him before
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Aug 16, 2015, 05:20 PM
Revel in it, Chelsea haters. Long way to go yet!
Aug 16, 2015, 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by
Was a nice touch. Somehow I can't see Costa doing that...
No, absolutely not. They're two of the best goal scorers in the Prem (if not the two best), and they couldn't be more different. Aguero is pure class. If he were cocaine, you'd cut him five times before selling him on the street, he's that pure.
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Aug 16, 2015, 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by
Revel in it, Chelsea haters. Long way to go yet!
There's a reason Mourinho doesn't last long at clubs, dude. He mismanaged this loss. First bad decision was taking Terry--his rock solid defender AND captain--off for no reason (especially after Cahill took a pinch to the face and had to receive treatment), and the other was making a change while defending a corner.
I I mentioned it to my brother how strange it was, that this was the third defensive sub at a corner I've seen this season and it's not done because it causes problems with the defense. And lo and behold, they were scored on that corner.
Same points as Newcastle after two matches.
Aug 16, 2015, 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by
No, absolutely not. They're two of the best goal scorers in the Prem (if not the two best), and they couldn't be more different. Aguero is pure class. If he were cocaine, you'd cut him five times before selling him on the street, he's that pure.
now thats why you are unemployed with a bm and a collection
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Raza liked this post
Aug 16, 2015, 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by
Revel in it, Chelsea haters. Long way to go yet!
come on Gabe massive three points !
Aug 16, 2015, 05:48 PM
It's just one game, and honestly I'd rather it be a 3-0 shellacking than a close 1-0 loss at the wire. Hopefully this will kick them into gear, and perhaps spur another move or two in the transfer market. As for City, enjoy it now because we all know the injuries will mount up soon enough.
BTW, I have not watched the game or seen any highlights, so I can't really comment on the play.
Aug 16, 2015, 06:18 PM
I don't want to become known as anti-Hazard, because he really is a nice player, but I have to go back to the word "overrated" after watching that game. He has one threatening maneuver (the 1-2 link up with whomever is the central midfielder). After that, he makes some nice moves, but ultimately let's little come of them. He folds when someone gets physical with him and he disappears for long stretches of the game. When he does make a nice move on goal, and it doesn't convert, he often throws his hands in a pouty fashion while the game zips on around him.
He was at his best when Cesc was playing like his 24 year old self at the beginning of last year, but I think that only goes to prove that he needs an engine in the midfield. Which in no way makes him a bad player. There are loads of excellent wingers that fit the above description. But to call him the best player in the EPL, I think is a bit much.
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Last edited by movet22; Aug 16, 2015 at 06:20 PM.
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