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Thread: Please don't flame me (shameless commercial/promotional content inside)...

  1. #41
    Ahhhh. Much better. I don't always learn much about watches in Mr. Doc's Neighborhood, but it's a fun place to change my shoes and have a little fun. If I want stuffy, that's easy to find. good natured fun, on the other hand, among enthusiasts and at doc's expense--double entendre intended, of course--well that's just priceless.

    (don't let the shorthand username fool you. it's still me.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  2. Likes josh, docvail liked this post
  3. #42
    More I than S underwatermechanic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    North West UK
    This thread needs more pictures

    PS hurry up with the Orthos

  4. Likes docvail liked this post
  5. #43
    We upped the ante for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend. Take an additional 10% off all in stock models until midnight Monday (EST, GST-5).

    Something something tapatalk...
    Eight essential vitamins and minerals - Lew & Huey

    Please don't force me to put a lot of stuff here by asking me a bunch of questions with answers easily found on my website.

    Take $25 off your purchase of an in-stock watch with coupon code IWL.

  6. #44
    We're doing it again...

    Last chance to save on an Orthos, save $25 until December 16, plus get another $25 off with that coupon code below.

    Also, we're doing Black Friday/Cyber Monday redux - 10% off all in-stock models, + free worldwide shipping & free accessory upgrade.

    Factory pics of some early Orthos pieces to come off the line -

    Name:  Factory Pics Side by Side.jpg
Views: 98
Size:  64.3 KB

    And what else is already on the menu:

    Name:  Facebook Header Without Text.jpg
Views: 121
Size:  45.6 KB
    Eight essential vitamins and minerals - Lew & Huey

    Please don't force me to put a lot of stuff here by asking me a bunch of questions with answers easily found on my website.

    Take $25 off your purchase of an in-stock watch with coupon code IWL.

  7. #45
    Orange and blue Orthos looks great Chris.

  8. Likes docvail liked this post
  9. #46
    Big Member Chase's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    What I really want to know is...

    how much much for the mash?

  10. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Chase View Post
    What I really want to know is...

    how much much for the mash?
    Huh? I don't follow.

    Something something tapatalk...
    Eight essential vitamins and minerals - Lew & Huey

    Please don't force me to put a lot of stuff here by asking me a bunch of questions with answers easily found on my website.

    Take $25 off your purchase of an in-stock watch with coupon code IWL.

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