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Thread: NOT Incoming

  1. #1
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    NOT Incoming

    To contrast with the incoming thread from IofL I got this from Kickstarter yesterday......

    Yesterday, I took delivery of three large boxes containing all of the Duneshores. I cautiously and eagerly opened one, taking out a smaller box of 25 Blue Slate. This was it. I held my breath and peeled back the protective wrapping.
    And my heart sank. The left edge of the watch was severely gouged. I have been wearing the prototype Duneshores almost every day for practically a year now (not to mention all the review trips) and I haven’t picked up any damage even close to what I was looking at. As I continued going through the boxes, I continued to find watches with damage that shocked me. Some seemed to be fine. Some were scratched (which is not even remotely OK). Some looked chewed up.
    I was in disbelief. I could not fathom watches in such condition leaving my primary manufacturer. These people are not hacks. These people are not novices. I have met them, shook hands with them, discussed every technical issue with them, and seen, first hand, the kind of production work of which they are capable. That includes items like sapphire cases. Most of their clients are far larger, far better known, and generally sell in a far higher price bracket than Visitor. I have always felt fortunate to have a partnership with them. Though, I must admit, that when I held that first damaged piece in my hand, the thought of “Oh God, I’ve been taken for a ride” certainly flashed through my mind. That same thought is probably percolating in the back of your mind as well. I can’t blame you. But let me assure you this is absolutely not the case. You will receive your Duneshore, as promised. However, it’s looking like – at least for some backers – delivery won’t happen this August.
    I can’t express to you how badly I did not want to become part of the “late delivery” Kickstarter stereotype. I hate having to let you down. Some of you had messaged me about how excited you were to wear your new Duneshore for your upcoming wedding, your vacation, your first days back at school. I feel horrible that those moments are now unlikely to happen. As of yesterday morning, I had thought it a sure thing.
    So, what in the world happened? Last night, I was on the phone with the president of my primary manufacturer asking the same question. He seemed genuinely shocked by the pictures I sent him and the pervasiveness of the damage. He told me that watches in such condition would never leave his facility and that he personally spot-checked the watches after they made it through quality control, and all of those had been flawless. He then immediately offered to replace every single damaged watch at no cost and as quickly as possible.
    That’s where things currently stand. I am scrutinizing each and every watch and preparing to send any with issues back for replacement. As of now, I have only identified cases that need to be replaced. If the problem remains isolated, this should reduce the remake time. Presently, over 100 watches have to go back. There is also a possibility on the table right now that the entire order of cases will be redone in a clean-slate approach. I’m not sure if that’s necessary yet. My one and only objective is to deliver what’s been promised to you as quickly as possible. Some backers may yet receive their watches this month. Others I know will have to wait a little longer. To that group, I sincerely apologize.
    Bottom line: All of you are going to receive a pristine, unscathed Duneshore. Some of you may yet receive it this month (for reasons I don’t fully understand, the Beach watches escaped most of the damage). Others will regrettably have to wait a bit longer (I promise to keep you updated); but rest assured that your watch is coming. I will not relent until every single piece is delivered.

    Now several things come to mind, If you have a whole bunch of watches in a box how badly are they wrapped that they damage each other during shipping. To say there was a protective wrapper that had to be removed for the damage to be seen suggests either the watch was damaged before it was wrapped or the protective wrapped was actually just a bit of tissue paper.
    I am not sure if the straps were attached at this point but I think the watches were assembled with movements in place. If the box of watches was thrown around enough for "gouges" to appear in the case what is that going to do for the health of the movement.

    Not a happy bunny today !
    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  2. #2
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    Sucks. Any pics of what this watch was supposed to look like?

  3. #3
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits
    that's a shame mate
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  4. #4
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raza View Post
    Sucks. Any pics of what this watch was supposed to look like?

    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  5. Likes is that my watch, synequano, scottjc liked this post
  6. #5
    Even if the watches were moving around in the box, how would they get "severely gouged?" Something is fishy.

  7. #6
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkO View Post
    that's a different looking case I like it
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  8. #7
    Member pepperami's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be happy either, sounds like a delay tactic...did he send pictures of the 'damaged' watches?

  9. #8
    Grr! Argh! meijlinder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imitation of Life View Post
    Even if the watches were moving around in the box, how would they get "severely gouged?" Something is fishy.
    And also, shouldn't everything be jumbled around in the box? I would imagine wrapped watches would be all over. Now he didn't see anything until one was actually unwrapped. They must almost have been damaged before being packed.

    Sucks for all backers nonetheless...

  10. #9
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    Just sent this to the boss of the company...

    Sorry to get the email yesterday, it may help your backers if you share the pictures of the case damage and protective wrappings.
    If this happened in shipping then surely those wrappings should be damaged too.

    Can you also reassure backers that if the watches were so roughly handled that the cases were damaged the movements inside those cases are still in good condition.

    ​Seems reasonable to see what he is talking about.
    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  11. #10
    That sounds like a reasonable email to me

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