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Thread: for the dog lovers here...(non watch related sorry)

  1. #1
    rolex pic as answer guy mikeylacroix's Avatar
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    for the dog lovers here...(non watch related sorry)

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  3. #2
    Moderator gnuyork's Avatar
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    Thanks for that. My parents recently had to put their dog down.

    As for me... I didn't get that choice with our dog. She went into cardiac arrest after treatment that reacted with her nervous system. I cannot imagine making this decision. We still have another dog, he's getting old (13), but still quite healthy. Hopefully it will be forever before I need to ever make that decision.

    Thanks for the article.

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  5. #3
    Scam Hunter Broker's Avatar
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    I got a dog 6 months ago. I've never had a dog in my entire 40+ years on this earth. In the past 6 months, he's become my best friend. He rides with me everywhere in the truck. He waits patiently for me to give him a nibble of my hamburger. He lays his head on me at night. I love my dog and I would be devastated to lose him today. I've never known I could love an animal like I love that smelly dog who farts like there is no tomorrow.

  6. #4
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    Our beloved Maggie (hound/lab mix) was recently diagnoesed with lymphoma and we are playing the wait and see game now. It's absolutely heartbreaking, but those of us who love animals subject ourselves to this pain over and over in our lives because as hard as it is to lose them, the joy they bring to our lives outweighs the pain by a thousandfold.

    In March 2012, I euthanized my kitty Morgan who had fought an oral cancer bravely and well. Fortunately, I was able to find a mobile vet who traveled to my home and we did the deed in the front yard. The vet was in no hurry so first we sat with Morgan in my lap while I stroked him and told her stories about his kittenhood. After a while, he got restless so we let him explore for a while. When he got bored with that and settled down, we gave him a tiny shot just below the skin which slowly spread the sedative through his abdomen. It took him nearly 10 minutes to die, but they were peaceful minutes as he simply slowly faded while I petted him and told him how much I loved and admired him.

    That vet has since left the area. I'm not sure how we'll do things with Maggie, but we really hope that decision is still some months away.

    Last edited by Jeannie; Nov 26, 2014 at 04:39 PM.

  7. #5
    Scam Hunter Broker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    Our beloved Maggie (hound/lab mix) was recently diagnoesed with lymphoma and we are playing the wait and see game now. It's absolutely heartbreaking, but those of us who love animals subject ourselves to this pain over and over in our lives because as hard as it is to lose them, the joy they bring to our lives outweighs that by a thousandfold.

    In March 2012, I euthanized my kitty Morgan who had fought an oral cancer bravely and well. Fortunately, I was able to find a mobile vet who traveled to my home and we did the deed in the front yard. The vet was in no hurry so first we sat with Morgan in my lap while I stroked him and told her stories about his kittenhood. After a while, he got restless so we let him explore for a while. When he got bored with that and settled down, we gave him a tiny shot just below the skin which slowly spread the sedative through his abdomen. It took him nearly 10 minutes to die, but they were peaceful minutes as he simply slowly faded while I petted him and told him how much I loved and admired him.

    That vet has since left the area. I'm not sure how we'll do things with Maggie, but we really hope that decision is still some months away.


  8. #6
    Moderator gnuyork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    Our beloved Maggie (hound/lab mix) was recently diagnoesed with lymphoma and we are playing the wait and see game now. It's absolutely heartbreaking, but those of us who love animals subject ourselves to this pain over and over in our lives because as hard as it is to lose them, the joy they bring to our lives outweighs the pain by a thousandfold.

    In March 2012, I euthanized my kitty Morgan who had fought an oral cancer bravely and well. Fortunately, I was able to find a mobile vet who traveled to my home and we did the deed in the front yard. The vet was in no hurry so first we sat with Morgan in my lap while I stroked him and told her stories about his kittenhood. After a while, he got restless so we let him explore for a while. When he got bored with that and settled down, we gave him a tiny shot just below the skin which slowly spread the sedative through his abdomen. It took him nearly 10 minutes to die, but they were peaceful minutes as he simply slowly faded while I petted him and told him how much I loved and admired him.

    That vet has since left the area. I'm not sure how we'll do things with Maggie, but we really hope that decision is still some months away.

    I think I remember that Jeannie, we were going through similar situations - me with Greta. She had Lymphoma and died from the reaction to treatment administered. I took work off and cried for a whole week (and I never cry).

  9. #7
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gnuyork View Post
    I think I remember that Jeannie, we were going through similar situations - me with Greta. She had Lymphoma and died from the reaction to treatment administered. I took work off and cried for a whole week (and I never cry).
    I remember Greta. And you sent me a very nice PM about Morgan. He was misdiagnosed, if you remember, and suffered terribly through some awful treatments. He couldn't groom because of the cancer and they let him soil himself a couple of times at the vet. I would take him home and stand in the shower with him in my arms trying to clean the urine off him while tears streamed down my face. It was pretty bad.

    Last edited by Jeannie; Nov 26, 2014 at 07:57 PM. Reason: Seriously strikes again!

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  11. #8
    The Dude Abides Nokie's Avatar
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    My dogs will keep positive, happy thoughts for your dog in mind and hope for the best.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Nokie; Nov 26, 2014 at 05:46 PM.
    "Either He's Dead, Or My Watch Has Stopped....."
    Groucho Marx

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  13. #9
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nokie View Post
    My dogs will keep positive, happy thoughts for your dog in mind and hope for the best.

    Good luck.
    Mine too
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  15. #10
    Bone Collector Bwana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffbot View Post
    Mine too
    Hey Buddy, you made it back home...I sure do miss you Hope your owner is feeding you this time, I still have your toys and warm bed're always welcome back

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