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Thread: selling at a fake discount?

  1. #1
    rolex pic as answer guy mikeylacroix's Avatar
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    selling at a fake discount?

    sounds like the watch industry to me

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  3. #2
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    This practice seems more and more common now with all these "deal-a-day" websites. I remember looking at a messenger bag that was something like $699 MSRP on sale for $100. While my initial reaction was "Wow, what a great deal, I better snap it up"--which is, of course, the reaction these temporary deal sites want you to have, I did a little research on the bag. The company that made it had a very minimal presence online and a smaller one in stores. Made in China, likely some division of a much larger company. And the $699 MSRP was one I only found on other temp deal sites...the manufacturer didn't have the model on its website anymore, even though to this day (and this was over a year ago I was looking, almost two now, probably), you can likely still find that incredible deep discount for something that appears to be an amazing deal and out of production.

    I don't mind paying for things, I hate feeling like I've been duped.

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  5. #3
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    This pleases me no end! The watch industry is the only one I can think of involved in the deep discount scam. The only other really is DFS's perpetual half price sofa safe, which everyone knows is rubbish. I hope this sets a president for invicta et al.
    Follow IWL on instagram!

  6. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by geoffbot View Post
    This pleases me no end! The watch industry is the only one I can think of involved in the deep discount scam. The only other really is DFS's perpetual half price sofa safe, which everyone knows is rubbish. I hope this sets a president for invicta et al.
    Don't forget Oral B electric toothbrushes.
    Every other week they seem to be "discounted"

  7. #5
    Hall Monitor Samanator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffbot View Post
    This pleases me no end! The watch industry is the only one I can think of involved in the deep discount scam. The only other really is DFS's perpetual half price sofa safe, which everyone knows is rubbish. I hope this sets a president for invicta et al.
    Look at the clothing industry if you want to see serious mark-up and discounting.


    Tell everyone you saw it on IWL!

  8. #6
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samanator View Post
    Look at the clothing industry if you want to see serious mark-up and discounting.
    I don't see it that much.
    Follow IWL on instagram!

  9. #7
    Working in retail for years taught me that their is no such thing as a discount, there's just the price.

    If you have something on the shelf for a whole year at £20, and sell 1 of them, and then put it down to £15 with a big "FIVE POUNDS OFF!!!" sign, you'll sell the other 11 within a fortnight... you've received £15.42 per bottle.

    The discount effectively has become a way of manipulating which product the customers will buy. The guy who bought it at £20 has basically been charged £5 for exercising choice, rather being a happy little sheep.

  10. #8
    The Dude Abides Nokie's Avatar
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    Mark it wayyyy up then put it on sale so you (appear) to get a deal..........

    No thanks. Been there, done that.

    Buying BNIB, LNIB, or used from a private owner almost always works better for me now.
    "Either He's Dead, Or My Watch Has Stopped....."
    Groucho Marx

  11. Likes happyscrappyheropup liked this post
  12. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by geoffbot View Post
    I don't see it that much.
    We've......ahhh....noticed that you don't seem to shop for clothes very often.

  13. Likes geoffbot, boatme99 liked this post
  14. #10
    You mean my watch isnt worth $10,000 even though I paid $499 ??????

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