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  1. #661
    the total arrogance and selfishness of Blatter -re-elected despite what no doubt will start a tsunami of rebellion and devaluation in world football -and huge implications for the integrity of the World Cup - he is a slippery eel of a man and lets hope the paper trail will eventually lead to him and his cronies - i can only imagine how hot his paper shredder is !!!

  2. #662
    Dive Watches & Japanese Moderator OTGabe's Avatar
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    “For the next four years I will be in command of this boat called Fifa. Beach soccer will be played everywhere. I like you, I like my job. I am not perfect, nobody is perfect, but we will do a good job together I am sure. Let’s go Fifa, Let’s go Fifa...You see I am in a good mood. I was a little bit nervous today, but now I am the president of everybody, I am the president of the whole Fifa. This game is important, but more important, enjoy life.”

    Let's all get back to playing beach soccer and enjoying life like old Sepp.

  3. #663
    I really hope that Blatter ends up getting wrapped up in all this. It would be the best thing for FIFA really.

    In a related to soccer note, I am really thinking of giving up playing. I have been playing since I was 5 but the adult league I have been has taken all the joy away from it and I am enjoying playing ultimate frisbee more.
    Olma, Oris, Vostok, Casio, Smiths, Luch, Elgin, Fossil, Orient

    IWL DIY, Restorations and Mods subforum

  4. #664
    I am also sad to see Newcastle to let Jonas Gutierrez go. He wasn't world class but he will always be a legend at St James. He was always committed and his battle back from cancer has inspirational despite how shitty he was treated by the club. One of the few players on the squad who seemed to be proud to pull on the black and white shirt.

    Last edited by 93EXCivic; May 29, 2015 at 08:20 PM.
    Olma, Oris, Vostok, Casio, Smiths, Luch, Elgin, Fossil, Orient

    IWL DIY, Restorations and Mods subforum

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  6. #665
    Dive Watches & Japanese Moderator OTGabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 93EXCivic View Post
    I really hope that Blatter ends up getting wrapped up in all this. It would be the best thing for FIFA really.
    As the dominoes continue to fall, he will have a tough time hanging onto power. I believe it's inevitable that he will go down for all this. The story has gone worldwide outside the football community at this point. The human rights violations and massive corporate sponsors are enough to keep this one from being shoved onto the back burner.

    Quote Originally Posted by 93EXCivic View Post
    In a related to soccer note, I am really thinking of giving up playing. I have been playing since I was 5 but the adult league I have been has taken all the joy away from it and I am enjoying playing ultimate frisbee more.
    I play with a pick-up group from occasionally and have found that to be a fun alternative to the league thing. I played in a league before I had kids and even at the rec level there were too many people who took it way too seriously. It was a chore at times rather than being a fun hobby. Have you ever thought of coaching youth soccer? That gives me a reason to be out on the field every week and still feeds the competitive juices to some extent.

  7. #666
    Dive Watches & Japanese Moderator OTGabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 93EXCivic View Post
    I am also sad to see Newcastle to let Jonas Gutierrez go. He wasn't world class but he will always be a legend at St James. He was always committed and his battle back from cancer has inspirational despite how shitty he was treated by the club. One of the few players on the squad who seemed to be proud to pull on the black and white shirt.
    Agree 100%. Did you see this? Perez the second best deal in the BPL in price per goal. Balotelli's £20.7m per goal is so laughable that it makes Falcao look like a serious bargain.

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  9. #667
    Quote Originally Posted by OTGabe View Post

    I play with a pick-up group from occasionally and have found that to be a fun alternative to the league thing. I played in a league before I had kids and even at the rec level there were too many people who took it way too seriously. It was a chore at times rather than being a fun hobby. Have you ever thought of coaching youth soccer? That gives me a reason to be out on the field every week and still feeds the competitive juices to some extent.
    I am sure I will coach when I have a kid but probably not yet. Anyway between autocrossing and playing ultimate frisbee I will still probably get my competitive juices feed plenty. I am planning on doing more of both to make up for soccer.

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    Olma, Oris, Vostok, Casio, Smiths, Luch, Elgin, Fossil, Orient

    IWL DIY, Restorations and Mods subforum

  10. #668
    Quote Originally Posted by OTGabe View Post
    Agree 100%. Did you see this? Perez the second best deal in the BPL in price per goal. Balotelli's £20.7m per goal is so laughable that it makes Falcao look like a serious bargain.

    I don't think even the biggest fan of Newcastle predicted Perez. Him and Colback were brilliant bargains. But unfortunately 4 good players (Colback, Perez, Janmaat and Dummet) who try don't make up for a squad that was either injured, didn't seem to care or aren't good enough.

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    Olma, Oris, Vostok, Casio, Smiths, Luch, Elgin, Fossil, Orient

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  11. #669
    Dive Watches & Japanese Moderator OTGabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 93EXCivic View Post
    I don't think even the biggest fan of Newcastle predicted Perez. Him and Colback were brilliant bargains. But unfortunately 4 good players (Colback, Perez, Janmaat and Dummet) who try don't make up for a squad that was either injured, didn't seem to care or aren't good enough.
    Yep, and sadly getting lucky on a couple of bargains will likely feed into Ashley's worldview that there's no need to spend top money for players.

  12. #670
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    Does anyone think Benteke is a good deal for Liverpool? He's a Lambert-type hold up target forward. He's got more to offer than Lambert, sure, but he doesn't fit the style at all. And for £32.5m? Is Rodgers just collecting strikers who don't fit the system now? Next we'll bring back Peter Crouch and Andy Carroll.

    Dzeko and Giroud are much better at playing the target forward and getting involved with linkup play as well than Benteke. There's no way they'd cost £32.5m, and Dzeko would be worth that price, possibly.

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