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  1. #651
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OTGabe View Post
    Only serious diehards are discussing college basketball right now.
    I resemble that remark.

    I can tell you that the NCAA rules committee voted to shorten the shot clock from 35 seconds to 30 seconds starting next season. Duke has the number one recruiting class coming in since they got Thornton to reclassify and start for 2015-2016 as their point guard. He's a high school junior so that was a coup. They also signed Ingram, plucking him from beneath Carolina's nose.

    Carolina has received their notice of allegations from the NCAA which is going to get very sticky for everyone involved, including the NCAA who will have to walk a fine line in terms of what exactly falls under their jurisdiction.

    Donovan left Florida for the NBA and Bobby Hurley is the new Sun Devils coach at ASU.

    Calipari gave a couple of his assistants generous raises. St John's Jordan was ruled ineligible to play next season.

    Should I go on?

    The adventures of Bob the Traveling Watch

    . . . . . . . . . .

  2. Likes hayday, OTGabe liked this post
  3. #652
    deadhead hayday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shameless View Post
    due to public demand -it has been for two hours Hayday

    I'm an American. I don't have time to read the things that give me the information I need, only the time to demand what I want.

    I'm an American. I don't have time to read.

    I'm an American. 'nuf 'ced!

    Last edited by hayday; May 26, 2015 at 06:15 PM.
    Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

  4. Likes OTGabe, shameless liked this post
  5. #653
    deadhead hayday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    I resemble that remark.

    I can tell you that the NCAA rules committee voted to shorten the shot clock from 35 seconds to 30 seconds starting next season. Duke has the number one recruiting class coming in since they got Thornton to reclassify and start for 2015-2016 as their point guard. He's a high school junior so that was a coup. They also signed Ingram, plucking him from beneath Carolina's nose.

    Carolina has received their notice of allegations from the NCAA which is going to get very sticky for everyone involved, including the NCAA who will have to walk a fine line in terms of what exactly falls under their jurisdiction.

    Donovan left Florida for the NBA and Bobby Hurley is the new Sun Devils coach at ASU.

    Calipari gave a couple of his assistants generous raises. St John's Jordan was ruled ineligible to play next season.

    Should I go on?


    Yes, keep the updates coming. How else will I find out what's what? ESPN?

    Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

  6. #654
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    The adventures of Bob the Traveling Watch

    . . . . . . . . . .

  7. #655
    Dive Watches & Japanese Moderator OTGabe's Avatar
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    Sadly they did not take the most corrupt of them all, but it's a start. I'm not sure if this video is available outside the US, but it's a very well done piece profiling Sepp Blatter and his reign at FIFA:

    And on a more positive note, a great football story of rejecting big money and getting back to the people:

  8. #656
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    It's a start. There are more.

  9. #657
    Dive Watches & Japanese Moderator OTGabe's Avatar
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    Name:  unnamed.jpg
Views: 120
Size:  25.6 KB

  10. #658
    I watched practically nothing of the last World Cup. Everything Blatter touches carries a stain.

  11. #659
    Name:  6050883_4f79220078_m.png
Views: 115
Size:  196.2 KBBlatter is either a completely honest man or a criminal mastermind -i suspect this quiet assassin to be the latter -it will be a matter of' following the money' as they say in the movies- its quite ludicrous to think he would not have his finger in this gigantic pie
    Last edited by shameless; May 27, 2015 at 08:57 PM.

  12. #660
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwana View Post
    Maybe the OP change change the name, so I can start a proper Sport thread ? that covers multiple sports events and interests.

    The French Open is starting, the US open is about to start, racing, UFC, Hockey...many sports to discuss.
    where is this alternative sports thread Eric ?

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