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  1. #631
    Gutierrez came up huge for Newcastle today. Great to see him back in a Newcastle uniform and a deserving man to save our asses.

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  3. #632
    Bone Collector Bwana's Avatar
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    This should just be called the Soccer thread

  4. #633
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bwana View Post
    This should just be called the Soccer thread
    I agree!

  5. #634
    The Dude Abides Nokie's Avatar
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  6. #635
    Bone Collector Bwana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raza View Post
    I agree!
    Maybe the OP change change the name, so I can start a proper Sport thread ? that covers multiple sports events and interests.

    The French Open is starting, the US open is about to start, racing, UFC, Hockey...many sports to discuss.

  7. #636
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwana View Post
    Maybe the OP change change the name, so I can start a proper Sport thread ? that covers multiple sports events and interests.

    The French Open is starting, the US open is about to start, racing, UFC, Hockey...many sports to discuss.
    what is or has been stopping you or any other member from engaging in discussion on any of those sports in this thread Eric -sports generally are seasonal occurencies -it stands to reason sport season that lasts nine months of the year might be discussed more than a tournament that lasts a week - the soccer season is at an end !- the French Open -the US Open probably haven't been discussed because they haven't happened yet - one cannot have anything more non specific than just the 'Sport' thread - many sports have been posted on here - the thread was started exactly for that purpose -just seems of late that the main contributers are Liverpool supporters by all means start a 'proper sports ' thread should you be inclined -perhaps separate threads dedicated to Tennis or Golf or Ultimate Fighting or Snooker -the list goes on

  8. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by Raza View Post
    I agree!
    and would it just be dedicated to Liverpool

  9. #638
    Bone Collector Bwana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shameless View Post
    what is or has been stopping you or any other member from engaging in discussion on any of those sports in this thread Eric -sports generally are seasonal occurencies -it stands to reason sport season that lasts nine months of the year might be discussed more than a tournament that lasts a week - the soccer season is at an end !- the French Open -the US Open probably haven't been discussed because they haven't happened yet - one cannot have anything more non specific than just the 'Sport' thread - many sports have been posted on here - the thread was started exactly for that purpose -just seems of late that the main contributers are Liverpool supporters by all means start a 'proper sports ' thread should you be inclined -perhaps separate threads dedicated to Tennis or Golf or Ultimate Fighting or Snooker -the list goes on
    Peter, the French Open is being played now

    All of the major sports today run 8-9 months long, it's all about TV rights and money. Players endorsements come from branding, and media attention.

    I have posted on other sports, but they are lost in the mix. I have no problem with soccer, it's a great sport that takes tremendous skill and conditioning...but I don't tend to watch it. Other members may shy away from the "Sport" thread if they aren't intending to discuss the fine points of soccer, I know I certainly do.

    I wasn't intending to insult the thread or it's participants, just that it may be more "accurate" to call it the Soccer thread. If you start scrolling pages all the way back to page 1, it's a soccerfest man

  10. Likes Der Amf, shameless liked this post
  11. #639
    shows what i know about tennis !!! i understand Eric - sent a pm to Geoff -i'm sure he will resolve the issue
    Last edited by shameless; May 26, 2015 at 07:32 AM.

  12. Likes Bwana, hayday liked this post
  13. #640
    thankyou Geoff ! the ball is in your court Eric [excuse the pun

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