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Thread: Help!!! Kids want a video game system and I'm only good at Candy Crush.

  1. #1
    Not a Zombie drickster's Avatar
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    Help!!! Kids want a video game system and I'm only good at Candy Crush.

    Hey guys.

    My kids want a video game system and I have no idea. All I know is they say Xbox 360. Their cousin says PS4. And the Xbox 1 is newest so shouldn't that be best????

    Please help I really have no idea.

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  2. #2

  3. #3
    Not a Zombie drickster's Avatar
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    12 and 9.

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  4. #4
    b& m8 CanadianStraps's Avatar
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    It is now my duty to completely drain you.

  5. #5
    Member CamB's Avatar
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    PS4 in my opinion.

    Since you raised it - What level are you up to on Candy Crush- im on 146.
    Regards Cam

    Tudor Pelagos, Omega Speedmaster 3510.50, Oris 1965 Diver, Tissot Visodate, Junghans Max Bill Auto, Helson Blackbeard, Seiko PADI Turtle, Tag Heuer F1

  6. #6
    By 12 the child probably knows what he/she wants and has reasons different from adult gamers. Honestly, if the are asking for a 360 I would try to find out why and probably go that way. The 360 is actually still supported and will be for another couple of years. Did you want to be the kid with the Huffy when every other kid in your class had a Schwinn?

    The Xbox One is a much better media console than the PS4, the PS4 is arguably a better gamers platform. If I had to bet on longevity (durability) I would bet on the Xbox One since they spent a lot of time preventing the red ring of death from the 360 legacy.

    In the end you can flip a coin between the PS4 and the Xbox One overall, to decide which one is "better" requires you decide which one is better for you (in this case them). BUT, as I said by 12 or even 9 a child will KNOW which platform they want and their reasons won't be computing power, price, media control, external hard drive connectivity and such. Buy they something they don't ask for (in this arena) even though it may be "better" and then while all their friends are playing online together your kids are sitting in their room thinking about how their dad screwed them like Cartman when his mom wanted to buy him a "knockoff" Ipad.
    Last edited by ilitig8; Nov 24, 2014 at 02:26 AM.

  7. #7
    I got a PS3 last year after deciding, based on the internet's consensus, that the two leading consoles were pretty much equal in what they offered. I don't remember what eventually drew me to PS3. The Xbox had better interactive exercise games/software, both had proprietary games, and each offered Netflix and the ability to download movies and TV shows from their online stores. I didn't know at the time PS3 didn't offer HBO Go. Now it does. And now PS4 has taken the lead in sales, so there's a chance it could be more appealing to developers and new streaming platforms as the place to launch.

  8. #8
    Savagely Average
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    Get them a new Wii, and get them some games that prompt physical activity.

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  10. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Mediocre View Post
    Get them a new Wii, and get them some games that prompt physical activity.
    Don't forget to feed them a bran muffin for breakfast.

    Both PS4 and Xbox One have fitness oriented games now some adult level hardcore like P90X

  11. #10

    Help!!! Kids want a video game system and I'm only good at Candy Crush.

    If they want a 360 buy it. It's easily half price of the Xbox One (super cheap preowned) and the games are $10-20 cheaper. With that, you'll be good for a few years but will eventually need to pony up for the One.

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