Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyB View Post
I've had some decent service at Tourneau, but I also had my worst watch experiences there, too. I was in their large NYC store last year and wanted to see a watch they supposedly carried in person. I asked one of the sales associate about it and she asked me to wait a moment while she checked. She moved 3 feet down the counter and pretended our encounter never happened.

At my local Tourneau, I was having a problem with my Tudor chronograph and the watchmaker came out to take a look at it. When I told him the chronograph wasn't engaging properly, he tried the pusher once and asked me how much did I really even use the chronograph. I thanked him for his time and left.

There are some great stores out there, but you have to look for them sometimes.

Wempe has always treated me very well even when they knew I had no plans to buy.

Toppers is great and Rob is a fun guy to talk to. I stopped in when I was visiting San Francisco and I had a great time chatting about watches and trying on anything I wanted. My daughter, who was 2 at the time was not in a great mood, but she brightened up quickly when he brought his dog out from the back room to play with her in the showroom.

The Little Treasury in Maryland is also a place where watch lovers feel welcome.

Finally, Martin Pulli is simply fantastic. The brands he sells are amazing (where else can you see Sarpeneva and Habring watches in one store? Or any store for that matter?). Plus he's another great guy to chat watches with. He went out of his way to pull watches from the back just because he thought I would appreciate seeing them.

Really long and rambling story short. There are better stores out there. You just have to find them. Even a different salesperson within the same store can make a huge difference.
Rob is absolutely the best--I've bought several from him. Great service, always honest about his opinions. I bought my MeisterSinger from Little Treasury, also a good experience.