Back again for another round of photo fun. Many thanks to all who competed and voted in February, big congratulations to whatmeworry for his win, and a hat tip to muddy250 for his very close runner-up!
For the month of March, our theme will be hobbies. Interpret as you wish, but please follow these simple rules:
1. Only one photo submission per person
2. Watch-related content must be included in the photo
3. All entries must be made by midnight GMT on March 10th
I'm a bit late starting this month's contest, so if we need to add more time for submissions, we can consider that next week. Please post your entries here, and feel free to include any explanations or descriptions about the photo or its contents.
May the best WIS win!
Seriously - My Kingdom for a Box
Der Amf - Ebony, Ivory, and Orange
pepperami - Titanium and a Takamine
faiz31887 - Dueling Axes
Chase - Amazon Desires: God went surfing with the Devil
M. Montaigne - Breitling Skies
Jeannie - Strung Together
Jazzmaster - In the Mix
Vincent Vega - Casting Call
CFR - Books!
popoki nui - Pulsar
JAGtime - Seeking a More Compassionate World: Avocation?
Nutty28 - The "Battlefield"
Teeritz - Words to Paper
sharkyfisher - Six Strings
mikeylacroix - Training...So I Can Be Like This
shameless - Catch of the Day
Hayseed Brown - Writing Time
Chicolabronse - Pin-Seeking
muddy250 - Climbing Holme Moss
mlcor - Studio Session
ck1109 - Tack Sharp
Raza - From Wolfsburg to Monaco
CanadianStraps - Handcrafted
geoffbot - Razor's Edge
is that my watch - Radio Control
Col Angus - Hooch