I'm realising that I've very little idea of what the range of watches containing 2892 movements really is.
So please tell me and I'll build a list here. Or perhaps two or three lists: standard movements, chronometer movements, altered movements (eg through the addition of a DD module)
Please include either the MRSP or typical AD price.
Ball Engineer Hydrocarbon range
Bathys Benthic - $995
Breitling Chronomatic
Doxa 5000T - $2500
Kobold Soarway Diver - $2150
Kobold Remington - $4250
Kobold Lynx - $2450
Longines Hydroconquest - $1275
Longines Flagship
Hamilton Intramatic
RGM 151p
Tudor Heritage Chrono
Victorinox Dive Master 500 Mecha
Wempe Zeitmeister Sport