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Thread: What are you drinking?

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  1. #11
    deadhead hayday's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Maine, USA

    What are you drinking?

    ^^^It was once upon a time. The dogs have destroyed it in places and I've ignored it. I'm not interested in a well-manicured lawn, though, as long as it’s green. It'll look better once I clear out the brush I've ignored the last couple years. It's a mess. My shed is being swallowed but that is a problem for early winter when the ground freezes/hardens. It's a swampy mess right now. I'll snap a few pics of what I've done so far.

    EDIT: bushwhacking pics.

    If you look closely, you see where I stopped cutting the grass. At that edge all sorts of things popped up, grew tall, and drooped out into the yard a couple feet. There are also weeds/trees that look like the Vietnam jungle I’ve seen in movies.

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    The driveway, which I did about ten days ago. The trunks were six to eight feet without any leaves/branches so they leaned out several feet fighting for sunlight. They were starting to encroach on the driveway so our cars would brush against the leaves. I hang my head in shame.

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    It used to take four passes with the lawnmower to cut the grass on the right side of the driveway. Now, barely one.

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    Last edited by hayday; Aug 14, 2023 at 06:15 PM.
    Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

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