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Thread: **** papers relating to the great clock 1848 ****

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  1. #1
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    came for a look stayed for the biskwits

    **** papers relating to the great clock 1848 ****

    We have mention in a couple of threads about old pdf's I have got which will be a bore to a lot of you maybe but some may get a kick out of them was hoping to cut and paste the pdf as a thread post but this is not an option so am trying this way instead so all you want to know about big ben is here .

    Name:  a-portion-of-the-papers-relating-to-the-great-clock-1848-Copy.png
Views: 3347
Size:  102.7 KB

    (thanks col )
    Last edited by is that my watch; Jun 27, 2020 at 03:20 PM.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, te“Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.”ars and sweat”

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