This is my first ever... Wrote it almost 12-13 years ago..

I grew up fast on a working class street,
First thing I learned was life don't come cheap,
Technical school it was a waste of time,
Cleaning Cars for some factory line'
Got my first tattoo when I was 15,
The rebel had lost his teenage green,
I'd taken a stand for an outlaw's life.
Scarred deep in my soul i would strife,
i chose to Stand up to the Pain itself
Breathin can't see anythin else,
Burning from days n nights scroll,
i became a soldier of gold,
I fought tooth and nail, every inch of the way;
I got scars...all in one sway,
I was in love even for keeps that time,
but she was never gonna be mine,
I am only one of a kind,
As rock'n'roll is still on my mind,
I am ready anytime for a fray,
I am Marcus - The Game.....come lets Play.
you are the contender, so you choose the rules,
don't worry about the game as you will play to Loose.

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