Well love films but guess most of you know that so I recently did a thread on the vostok 3133 chronograph and when I happen on to a movie called Hostile Waters which has one of them in it. well I thought it did at the time now looking at it. it's not but looks very much like it so think I might start to do some movie threads here. that star russian watches I have already sort of done the Pobeda in the new man from uncle.. so think I will start it with.

Hostile Waters :

October 1986 finds a delicate international situation threatening the entire world. Near the coast of Bermuda, a Soviet submarine equipped with nuclear missiles crashes into an American submarine that was attempting to follow it. A fire erupts on the Russian submarine, and its captain (Rutger Hauer) must do all he can to prevent a nuclear catastrophe from occurring. The American captain (Martin Sheen), unsure of the Russian submarine's intentions, has to decide whether or not to attack.

so let's play name the watches

As always Ismy