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Thread: This is scary. Really.

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    This is scary. Really.

    Took 4 days to help a buddy and spent some time with the youngest fruit of my loins.
    Now this kid is a vegan out of a cruelty to animals perspective rather than for an supposed health reasons. Rescues feral cats, carries cat/dog food in his car incase he sees a hungry stray. outraged at the whole Cecil thing. So I see a stack of magazines on a bookcase and, just looking at the covers, am shocked to see that he has seemingly become a radical jihadist! But no, these magazines are printed by the Animal Liberation Front (yeah, ALF - what were they thinking). You don't subscribe - you just send cash (only) and they send a magazine. All very semi anonymous (addresses guys!) . Now what they do is animal activism - basically stealing laboratory animals or feed animals, or God only knows what else. The have a monthly list of the crimes the have committed worldwide in every issue(and yeas - they're almost universally criminal)

    here are some pictures I found of these folks, same one in the magazine. They NEVER show their faces Would you want to look like this? Personally, they kinda scare me.

    (version I should have posted - sorry for the cruder one)

    British reporter Graham Hall, who in 1998 infiltrated a British cell of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF—see 1976) with a hidden camera and captured footage of ALF’s British spokesman Robin Webb giving a bomb-making manual to activists and suggesting a target, is abducted, apparently by ALF members. They blindfold Hall and threaten to kill him, then brand the letters ALF on his back before throwing him out of a van onto a deserted road.
    Last edited by Donf; Aug 18, 2015 at 11:05 PM.

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