Short rant. After 20+ years of madness its settling
After recently acquiring a little one in the household my priorities are changing with the new little resident in our home. I plan to jump start a savings account towards a college fund among baby things in general as I'm sure many of you know are not cheap! Also purchased a new family car among many home improvements being done. I am selling off quite a few pieces and been giving it deep thought to watches I currently own, want to hold on to or sell. The ones I have that are just ok and not too enthused about vs the watches I love that I can see enjoying into the rest of my 30s, 40s and beyond. The realization that many of these watches will need service down the road is another financial burden I don't think I'm willing to deal with. Buying the watches is not the problem, it's servicing 20+ mechanicals down the road I consider. I'm actually quite a sentimental person and want to keep the watches that mean something to me and that I'm truly passionate about additionally to the memories, my interest in the brand, movement and of course how aesthetically pleasing a piece is to me. Giving these watches more wrist time that I really enjoy I realize is far better then a box full of watches I'm just ok with. I plan to cut the collection down to half at least. I have a final piece in mind once I complete my sell offs to add to the collection which will be for my 40th. A year and a half away stashing away pennies for the day! I can say I'm settling down as over the last two years I been more satisfied with my recent acquisitions then I have in 20 years of buying. Like many things in life when you get a little older you find out what you really like in life and become more certain in your choices. By the end of the summer I hope to sell off the ones I don't care for much and will do a thread on a much smaller collection and give my take on a short review of each piece and why I decided they were the ones that stayed. That's all I got for now! Thanks for reading.
Last edited by -JP; Aug 9, 2015 at 06:38 PM.
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