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Thread: someone asked about PLA, can't find the thread tough....

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  1. #1
    Loves to yap about quartz I-B's Avatar
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    someone asked about PLA, can't find the thread tough....

    Hi fine folks,
    i remember someone asking about toughts on the PLA diver but i can't find the thread. I also remember someone referred to MY PLA in that same thread...Here is the thing :
    the PLA is a great watch, but, the bracelet sux...put it on a Nato or Perlon, andyou have a low budget "submariner"...I have mine for over 2 years now and it's still one of my favourite watches...It holds time just great, if you want to burn 100$, burn it on a PLA... it from the ever grumpy mr Y.L
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    so if the bloke who asked abt the pla (or others) have questions, feel free to ask and i anwer you here.....
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    Last edited by I-B; Jul 15, 2015 at 06:07 PM.

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