Just your basic 3-hand watch
Arrived at my PO Sunday. Monday, I was at the PO at 08:00, and it seems they picked that day to be efficient - the carrier had already left - at 07:22!. So...he left a pink slip, and I was back at the PO today. Finally in my hands!
The usual wide-angle exaggeration in the iPhone picture - it actually works very nicely on my puny 6.25" left wrist. The strap has an Ebel deployment and I have it adjusted about as far as it will go. This demonstrates that these straps need a keeper when worn by such as me. Rick - any chance of a "small" strap for a reasonable amount of money? Not only for size - but with my wardrobe I might prefer black over the very nice brown. Also...any thoughts on the feasibility of reversing the strap to attach the buckle end at the 12? On me, the deployment is at the outside edge of my wrist - nowhere near the bottom!
Just three hands, and lots of white space.
La lutte elle-même vers les sommets suffit à remplir un cœur d'homme; il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux.
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