Jun 22, 2015, 11:09 PM
Who put that there ?
Those of you who've seen my previous ramblings will probably know I'm not a fan of the 'wonky' date window; but....
Whilst browsing a well-known auction site for hidden treasures, I happened upon something that I'd not seen before and was intrigued enough to put in a bid. 99p + postage, and 3 days later, this arrives in the post:
It's a bit rough and a non-runner; but with a bit of luck I can sort that out (I've brought worse back to life). Not opened it up yet, so best not get too cocky
I've seen date windows in all positions at and between 3 & 6, and a few 'big dates' at 12; but never one there before. Any one else have any date windows in 'unusual' positions ?
Some people have opinions - The rest of us have taste.
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