May 31, 2015, 01:23 AM
Cleverest thing you've come up with recently
I need to shred some mozzarella tonight but it's a pain to grate and there was no way I was going to dust off the ol' food processor. I then had the epiphany to cut the block into quarters and run the pieces through the egg slicer L x W. Came out just like I expected - nicely diced with no clumps...cleanup was practically non-existant was well. This could have been posted in the food forum but my cans of Vienna sausage and bags of Twinkies have hurt my credibility there and besides, this discovery is too important to get buried in a 184 page thread.
Shortly thereafter I confused my forks and grabbed the one used to flip raw pork & chicken over to stir my coffee. It's likely...not absolutely...but likely this is the dumbest thing I'll do the rest of the day. Swallowed four Pepto Bismol tablets as a precautionary measure.
Last edited by ljb187; May 31, 2015 at 01:26 AM.
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