I scream and have to reach for the remote whenever that NCIS is on , it's absolute and total drivel - get it off!, get it off!!, GET IT OFF!!!
I'd rather watch a shopping channel than that *&%$@ !!!
David McCallum seems to be the main bone of irritation for me .... the most boring boring BORING !!! dozy ******* I've ever heard coming out with a stream of never-ending script that's just drivel.... and he says it in this weird 'affected' way....
He was quite good back in the day when he was in man from uncle - but THIS !!!.... OMG kill me or kill him
I don't mind if I never EVER see another picosecond of it , it would be a deal breaker if a female I really really fancied watched it .....
Do you get the idea I don't care for it
Thank you - that is all
Have you got some TV programme that really makes your **** boil ?
I don't want to hear from any people that actually like this programme and want to defend it ... just the HATER's on this thread please