Well I had a job lot haha ( but I guess you would know that by know )

this time it included two vostok one had a lovely movement ran so fine but dial was in shocking state the other shocking movement but stunning dial easy swap over I hear you say well no as one was a 3 o'clock winder and one a two o'clock winder so they have been sitting in my to fix box and well I had strip the one down was going to part it as it had a good movement

but it had been there a while so I thought I would put it back together to get it in the case and check it was still running any way for fun I put up a pic this one

of it running but no dial well one of the great MWC guys offer me a donor dial for gratis so thanks ( cheer's churchy) and so today I had a few minutes to spare so this is what happen

yeah think it seems a tad smaller then the old dial but it see to be the same when I offer them up lol but I like it and it is better then having parts in a box lol


spoiler alert
**** well now is the season of the quartz part 2**** is coming soon followed by 3 and 4 soon after lol