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Liverpool did look like they could beat anyone with ease, though under Klopp they have generally been quite good against the top sides (leaving for later the debate on whether Arsenal still is one). It's dropping points against the lower tier clubs that undid them last season, so it will be interesting to see if they've solved that issue. But either way a very, very impressive performance regardless of the Gunner's awfulness.
It's interesting to hear Wenger's comments and it's clear he doesn't really think it's his fault. Of course players play the games, not the manager. Those guys should not be absolved of guilt here, but when you have someone who has full control over everything at a club, how can it not be laid at his feet? These are his players, his tactics, and the atmosphere is one that he has created and fostered. You have seemingly no one committing to the club, with most of their top players seeking a way out or biding their time until their contracts expire and they can bail out. The level of effort from the opening whistle would be disgraceful from a youth side, much less a club with their history going to a storied ground like Anfield. Clearly the tactics chosen last week were woefully incorrect, which no doubt adds to the player's attitude of 'why bother?'. Losing 4-0 is bad, but everyone has off days and sometimes things go the other team's way no matter what you try. But this was a complete capitulation from the start, and the lack of effort and intensity from everyone was pathetic, though at this point I don't think it is surprising.
What I find most puzzling is the lack of personal responsibility shown by AW. Perhaps it's just a different perspective as an American, but if something like this happened in the NFL or NBA, you would see the coach stand up and take 100% of the responsibility himself. If the players weren't prepared, the strategy was wrong, whatever the issue, the public blame would be shouldered by the man in charge. It would be left to the fans and media to point out the player failures and determine how much of it was really the coach's fault. But Arsene has no problem throwing his players under the bus and doing his old "If some people feel as if I am the problem, then I am sorry that I am the problem" routine, as if we are supposed to feel sorry for the guy? I genuinely don't understand it but if he thinks that will turn around the attitude of his players, best of luck to him.