
Demon Kitten broke my 'Hat Rack'

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Pretty sure it was the Lilith who broke my "Hat Rack". I shot that deer over a decade ago, and it's moved with me everywhere. I believe one night Lilith tried to jump to it, and when it fell, broke the antlers in half right at one of the cranial seams. Nothing epoxy, and a generous length of 550 cord couldn't cure. Try to break it now DEVIL CAT!

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  1. Dan R's Avatar
    Gotta love those pets. I have one cat that will steal things and then play with them all over the house. Another will sit on a desk and casually knock things off just to hear them go bang on the floor. So far, no one has taken a flying leap to break something like Lilith did.

  2. Bwana's Avatar
    Cats, they do the darndest things Pretty nice buck too, what state may I ask ?
  3. Spooky's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwana
    Cats, they do the darndest things Pretty nice buck too, what state may I ask ?
    Woonsocket South Dakota. First deer I ever shot. Extremely lucky shot too. I think I was 14 or 15, can't remember.
  4. Bwana's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Spooky
    Woonsocket South Dakota. First deer I ever shot. Extremely lucky shot too. I think I was 14 or 15, can't remember.
    "Better lucky than good" they say

    Haven't hunted the Dakota's yet, I hit 4 states a year...planning on Nebraska soon. Love bowhunting the critters, my time of peace in the woods.

    Hope your hatrack is mended, if not time for a new one
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